
“It is never too late to be what you might have been.”

— George Eliot
Make Time for Personal Goals

Make Time for Personal Goals

Yesterday I was feeling rather sad. Once the Christmas holidays are past, it sometimes takes me a few weeks (or months) to find something else to look forward to. January is a time to refocus on personal goals. It's easy to say another year just sucked, but that would...

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The Benefits of Hobbies: Crafting a Joyful Life

The Benefits of Hobbies: Crafting a Joyful Life

Is finding time to pursue your extensive list of hobbies difficult? Many of us have an endless to-do list of creative activities. Sometimes, we wish we could press a button, and our work would instantly appear on a digital screen, something like AI-generated art does....

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Creating a Powerful Morning Routine

Creating a Powerful Morning Routine

If you sometimes wake up with a sense of anxiety, you’re not alone, and it’s not 'all in your head.' Researchers have discovered our bodies get a head start on the day by releasing cortisol, the so-called 'stress hormone,’ about 45 minutes before we wake. This peaks...

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The Ball Jointed Dolls Phenomenon

The Ball Jointed Dolls Phenomenon

If you’re looking for a new hobby, I want to share with you the fascinating world of ball-jointed dolls, also known as BJDs. This unique and beautiful form of doll collecting has taken the world by storm for a good reason. Not only are BJD’s stunning works of art, but...

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5 Valuable Things Sculpting a BJD Taught Me

5 Valuable Things Sculpting a BJD Taught Me

Back in 2007, when I first started learning how to sculpt a BJD, I had no idea when or if I’d ever cast my creations in resin. But my determination to uncover all the “hows” kept me going on the road to becoming a ball-jointed doll artist, and I’m almost there! Here...

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How to Handle Getting Unwanted Advice

How to Handle Getting Unwanted Advice

Do you ever find yourself unexpectedly on the receiving end of getting unwanted advice you didn’t ask for, leaving you feeling stressed or defensive? It’s a familiar experience for many of us; you’re certainly not alone in feeling this way. Understanding the motives...

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